Rethinking Empty Nest

imageIt has been almost six months since my boys moved away to college and I have a confession to make: Empty nest isn’t all that bad. It has perks. But don’t tell my boys! Everyone, including myself, thought that I would fall apart when my boys left home. Actually, the worst part was the anticipation and preparation of their move. But now that my husband and I are experiencing this stage of life, I’m here to tell you that it’s finally “our time” and I’m excited!

Although the house is quiet now, it stays much cleaner. No more early morning weekends. If you want to eat cereal for dinner, then so be it. The laundry load is much smaller and one or two adults make much less trash. Lower utility and grocery bills are also a bonus!

Knowing that your kids are just a call, text, or FaceTime chat away helps when you have one of those parent moments. Also knowing that they are well-adjusted and enjoying their new status in life should allow you to focus more on you and less on them. Time and distance will force your recent graduate to face life’s challenges and take on more responsibility, until a visit home brings that all too familiar kid but in a grown-up version.

Now is their time to become independent and shine while it is our time to explore a whole new world of possibilities. With more free time on your hands, you can pursue new hobbies or old interests once again. So many books to read, weekend getaways to take, craft projects on Pinterest to try, festivals to attend and so little time. Sigh!

Not only have I discovered blogging since September but a host of new things that I look forward to doing. So many, in fact, that I’m not sure when I’ll find the time to do it all. But I guess that is what retirement is all about. And that my friends is another 10-12 years down the road! So if you are facing empty nest in the near future or are already there, enjoy and make the most of your time!

photo credit: I via photopin(license)

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